Проект „ Отключване“ (UNLOCKED)
Източник на финансиране: Европейска комисия, програма Еразъм+, Ключова дейност 2
Основната цел на проекта е организирането и изпълнението на творчески програми за превенция на престъпността, както и разработването на методология и разпространението ѝ в семинари.
Information day about domestic violence in PeshteraInformation day under project “Let's live without domestic violence” took place on 4 September in Peshtera. Experts from institutions and organizations concerned with the topic and representatives of Municipal administration Peshtera attended the event in the plenary hall of the Municipal council. The goal of the event was to promote the project, the Law for protection against domestic violence, and the activities of the Bureau for consulting, directing, and assisting victims of domestic violence: providing psychological, legal, and social consultations and applying the Specialized program to perpetrators of domestic violence Two more events are going to take place in other municipal centers in September. The project is funded by the Ministry of Justice and its goal is to provide timely and adequate support to victims of domestic violence as well as services to perpetrators of domestic violence. |