Проект „ Отключване“ (UNLOCKED)
Източник на финансиране: Европейска комисия, програма Еразъм+, Ключова дейност 2
Основната цел на проекта е организирането и изпълнението на творчески програми за превенция на престъпността, както и разработването на методология и разпространението ѝ в семинари.
Information day in LesichovoInformation day under project “Let's live without domestic violence” was held in Lesichovo. The event took place on 18 September in the hall of the national community center “Otets Paisiy - 1890”. Representatives of institutions and social services from Lesichovo, Tserovo, and Dinkata attended the event. Three topics were discussed: Project “Let's live without domestic violence” and its goals and activities; Domestic violence among the users of the social service; Domestic violence during social distancing. The Information day ended with a discussion about the collaboration between the institutions of domestic violence counteraction. The event was held in cooperation with Lesichovo Municipality. The project is funded by the Ministry of Justice and its goal is to provide timely and adequate support to victims of domestic violence as well as services to perpetrators of domestic violence. |