
Regional Fund - IGA, Pazardjik won an international award! Personally Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal presented the International Community Justice Awards!


Regional Fund - IGA was the only non-government organization that won the prestigiousInternational Community Justice Award 2004.

Award for Fund – IGA, handed from the mayor of Madison, Mr. Jerry Gist /USA/, for “demonstrated outstanding ability in your chosen field of endeavor, and have worked for the welfare and progress of Bulgaria” 2007

Award for Fund – IGA by Sofia municipality for “development of an effective model for inter-agency cooperation during the implementation of European projects in partnership with Sofia municipality” 2007.
Bulgarian (Bulgaria)English (United Kingdom)


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Проект „ Отключване“ (UNLOCKED)

Източник на финансиране: Европейска комисия, програма Еразъм+, Ключова дейност 2

Основната цел на проекта е организирането и изпълнението на творчески програми за превенция на престъпността, както и разработването на методология и разпространението ѝ в семинари.




Благотворителна кампания за Кризисния център в Пещера стартира Фонд ИГА

Interviuta (1)The planned structured meetings with IGA’s teams were held during the past month. Their goal was to discuss the successes achieved, to make proposals for change and development, to share about the difficulties and challenges. The meetings focused on dialogue and frank sharing of opinions of IGA’s employees. Participants were given the opportunity to offer ideas for the future of the organization.

In addition to the teams, similar meetings were held with IGA’s partners, clients and other stakeholders. The purpose of these interviews was to get an idea of the current external image of the organization - how it is perceived by those with whom IGA interacts, as well as the prospects of these partnerships.

The results of all meetings will be summarized and analyzed. They will add new aspects to IGA’s White Paper project.

The meetings, structured interviews and conversations contributed to achieving the main goal of the project: agreement on the direction in which to develop the organization in the long run.

The project "RESTART - a new strategic vision of IGA" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism.

Интерактивна карта на дейностите по „Национална програма за превенция и контрол на туберкулозата в Република България за периода 2017-2020 г.” и програма „Подобряване на устойчивостта на Националната програма по туберкулоза”