
Regional Fund - IGA, Pazardjik won an international award! Personally Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal presented the International Community Justice Awards!


Regional Fund - IGA was the only non-government organization that won the prestigiousInternational Community Justice Award 2004.

Award for Fund – IGA, handed from the mayor of Madison, Mr. Jerry Gist /USA/, for “demonstrated outstanding ability in your chosen field of endeavor, and have worked for the welfare and progress of Bulgaria” 2007

Award for Fund – IGA by Sofia municipality for “development of an effective model for inter-agency cooperation during the implementation of European projects in partnership with Sofia municipality” 2007.
Bulgarian (Bulgaria)English (United Kingdom)
Projects Completed Year 2003 “I’m Learning to Make a Choice"

“I learn How to Choose”

“I learn How to Choose”
Source of Finance:
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Petar Ivanov
Main Aim:
Project essence is to be adapted and tested a pilot program for interactive training of students from 4-7 class in order to prevent drug habits and violence distribution at school.
Program base will be a workbook-guide-book issued by D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistant Education), given to Regional Fund IGA by sеrgeant Paul Pokarsky from Police Department in West Bend Municipality, Wisconsin, USA, with Dennis Melvin from West Bend Municipal Administration as a mediator. The two municipalities participate in a partnership project for twin cities. Project activities are translations of the given material, adapting of the workbook-guide-book and printing. Selection of two pilot schools, team of teachers and senior students, team training, carrying out the program within 17 weeks, holding a closing seminar and brochure printing.
1. Adapt, test and multiply in Pazardjik region the particular interactive program for prevention of violence and drugs distribution at school;
2. Train and prepare the team for implementing the program in town schools;
3. Create partnership network between local authorities, educational institutions, police and non-governmental organizations for problem work on violence and drug distribution in the region;
4. Activate and include community in the work processes with risk groups on socially significant problems;
Results achieved:
• 11 persons trained as instructors on program” I learn how to choose”;
• 84 students trained in drug and violence distribution prevention at school;
• Printed, adapted to the Bulgarian conditions work-book-guide-book on program ”I learn how to choose”-1000 copies;
• Participation in the local media – 2 publications in the local press and 3 participations in the electronic media.
• Discussed the opportunity for “I learn how to choose” program inclusion as a facultative subject at least in 3 more schools in the town of Pazardjik.
• Signed a declaration for inclusion of program ”I learn how to choose” as a facultative subject in schools in the town of Pazardjik.