Project "Inspired teachers, inspired children"
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Social and Emotional Education (SEE) Project, funded by the Education Program of the Lachezar Tsotsorkov Foundation
Project implementation period: December 10, 2020 - December 10, 2021
Project budget: BGN 63,991.92.
Geographical region: Pazardzhik
Short description
Creating a model for mutual support and cooperation between pedagogical specialists for teaching and development of children's social and emotional skills in a primary school and a kindergarten.
Target groups
The project is implemented in Hristo Smirnenski Primary School and Snezhanka Kindergarten in Pazardzhik. Kindergarten and primary school teachers will be trained, who will then work with children from 1st to 4th grade and children aged 2 to 6 years. In both age groups there are children of Roma origin and children with SEN.
● Research and analysis of the teaching competence for SEE in the target kindergartens and secondary schools.
● Completion of the training programs for SEE.
● Conducting modular training.
● Mentoring and accompaniment - supervision (methodological support for teachers), intervision (exchange between pedagogical specialists) and individual consultations.
● Increasing parental competence for social and emotional education.
● Tracking and assessing the progress of students' social and emotional skills.
● Ongoing monitoring of project activities.
● Analysis of the results and finalization of the methodology (curriculum) for SEE.
● Evaluation of the overall implementation of the project.
Expected results
• 7 trainings and 14 supervisions and intervisions with the teachers; 36 trained teachers.
• 15 individual consultations and support of teachers.
• 20 trainings and about 800 parents with increased knowledge and competence in SEA.
• 430 children involved in SEE training.
• Developed, implemented and finalized program for social and emotional learning for children.
Проектът „Вдъхновени учители, вдъхновени деца“ е финансиран от семейна Фондация „Лъчезар Цоцорков“. Изявленията и мненията, изразени тук, принадлежат единствено на Партньора Фондация „Фонд за превенция на престъпността – ИГА“ и не отразяват непременно вижданията на семейна Фондация „Лъчезар Цоцорков“ или нейните партньори