Project “Civic engagement in the legislative and institutional probation development in Bulgaria” BG05SFOP001-2.009-0157-C01 under procedure “Increasing civic engagement in the processes of formulation, implementation, and monitoring of policies and legislation”, BG05SFOP001-2.009
Period of implementation: 15.01.2019 - 15.01.2021
Funding source: Operational programme “Good governance”, co-funded by the European Union through the European Social Fund.
Total project funding: 90 000 leva
European Social Fund: 76 500.00 leva
National funding: 13 500.00 leva
Goal: Increasing civic engagement in processes related to the legislative and institutional probation development in Bulgaria.
Specific objectives:
- Developing a partnership model between Directorate general “Execution of punishments” and civic engagement structures in the probation system governance in Bulgaria;
- Developing a model of open and responsible governance by Directorate general “Execution of punishments” in all processes related to probation functioning in Bulgaria;
- Recommending four definite improvements in the service delivery processes by Directorate general “Execution of punishments” in relation to probation functioning in Bulgaria.
Main activities:
- Conducting a survey and developing recommendation 1 for possibilities for civic engagement in probation processes;
- Developing a mechanism for conducting civic monitoring on probation, conducting the monitoring, and developing recommendation 2;
- Developing Consultative civic engagement group at Directorate general “Execution of punishments”, managing the activities, and developing recommendation 3;
- Developing Contact point with the Confederation of European Probation and managing the activities;
- Training the candidate’s team;
- Launching an information campaign and developing recommendation 4.
Expected results:
- Two surveys, one of which in the form of civic monitoring;
- Four recommendations concerning different aspects of civic engagement in the legislative and institutional probation development processes in Bulgaria;
- Active Consultative civic engagement group at Directorate general “Execution of punishments”;
- Six information days and one national conference;
- The candidate’s enhanced capacity for civic engagement through the Contact point with a European network and the training of ten employees.