Center for social rehabilitation and integration (CSRI) for offenders
- Status:
The CSRI for offenders operates from 01.07.2012 as a state delegated social service managed by municipal authorities, but from 01.09.2012 it has been assigned to Crime Prevention Fund “IGA”.
- Target groups:
The main target groups involve:
persons released from custody;
persons with conditional sentences;
persons on probation;
- Capacity: 20 persons;
- Goals of the social service:
-Psycho-social and motivational support towards positive change of the attitudes and behavior of the members of the target group;
-Prevent re-offending by implementation of a full spectrum of medical-consultative advisory;
- Activities:
- Social counseling and mediation;
- Medical counseling;
- Motivation and support for continuing education and vocational training;
- Labor counseling and advocacy;
- Legal counseling;
- Psychological consultations – individual, group, marital;
- Occupational therapy;
- Group cognitive-behavioral programs, vocational and employment guidance;
- Staff:
Manager; Two social workers; Therapist; Psychologist; Accountant; Hygienist;