Realization: January 1st 2011 – December 31st 2011
Duration of social services: 9 months;
Innovative non-resident social service of the generally regulated within the social legislation Social Rehabilitation and Integration
Leading organization: Crime Prevention Fund – IGA
Partner: Association “Centre for Training and Services”
Area: Pazardzhik District and the Sofia prisons (together with the prison dormitories of Kazichene and Kremikovtzi), Bobov Dol, Plovdiv, where are released individuals from Pazardzhik District.
Funding: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Component 1 “Support the development of activities of existing social enterprises to increase the range and diversity of services provided; “Social Entrepreneurship - Promote the social enterprises - Pilot Phase”
Aim: To create opportunities for improving quality of life of persons released from the places of imprisonment, through targeted development and piloting of an integrated social services for this target group.
- To pilot, develop and strengthen, in the territory of Pazardzhik, an innovative social service Centre for Social Rehabilitation and Integration of persons exempt from the places of detention.
- To support reintegration of 200 persons, from Pazardzhik region freed from places of detention, and their families by providing a range of services to. Expected outcomes:
- Repair of premises and equipment to provide the service;
- Recruitment and training of staff providing the service;
- Provide service for a period of 9 months to 200 persons;
- Network and partnership activities of the Centre;
- Activities for publicity and visualization.






Literacy programme for individuals released from places of imprisonment


A literacy programme for individuals released from places of imprisonment was launched in August. Seven of the individuals receiving the service CSRI were approved for the literacy course after expressing willingness to take part in it.
The programme of the training consists of 100 hours including activities for acquiring knowledge in Bulgarian language and literature, mathematics, “Man and nature” and “Man and society”. The activities take place in Belovo from Monday to Friday and they will go on until the middle of December when the individuals will take a test to assess the acquired knowledge.
The training of the individuals released from the places of imprisonment already has its positive results. Almost all of them have acquired the minimum of knowledge which enriches their literacy, broadens their world view and is a prerequisite for their further reduction of the risk of possible recidivism. The literacy course is part of the integrated social service CSRI for individuals released from places of imprisonment and it is presented within the frameworks of the project “Piloting of an innovative social service Centre for social rehabilitation and integration of individuals released from places of imprisonment”.



 Individuals released from places of imprisonment have been receiving the service CSRI for eight months


The service Centre for social rehabilitation and integration for individuals released from places of imprisonment has been delivered for eight months within the framework of a Project of Fund – IGA. A team of social workers, psychologists, a social pedagogue and a jurist work with the individuals and deliver the complex social service as an integrated process which includes assessment, planning and conduction of each particular case. 200 individuals released from prison have received the service up to now.
The procedure starts with the first contact with the client which is conducted in the places of imprisonment. Just before their release another meeting is conducted to confirm the individual’s willingness to become a client of CSRI. The following stages come next – “Assessment and planning of the case”, “Realization of the individual plan” and “Activities of the outcome of CSRI”. A social worker is appointed responsible for every particular case and he prepares the individual working plan with the active participation of the client. At this level the contract with the client is signed. According to the needs of each user of the service the activities of delivering the service are classified into social-legal consultations, specialized programmes, co-operationtion with institutions, family consultations, literacy courses, training for acquiring basic behavioural skills, a programme for conducting the personal finances etc. As a rule the service is delivered to the clients from 3 to 6 months and in particular cases the work can be prolonged as long as the individual feels the need to be supported.
The overall work in CSRI is supervised by experts who conduct monthly supervisions.
The project of Fund – IGA “Piloting of an innovative social service Centre for social rehabilitation and integration of individuals released from places of imprisonment” is implemented with the financial assistance of the Operative Programme “Development of human resources”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund.



 The staff training is complete

От 13 до 15 юни в хотел “Парадайз Бийч” - с. Влас се проведе четвъртото и последно обучение на екипа на ЦСРИ за лица, освободени от местата за лишаване от свобода. То се проведе съвместно с представители на институциите, които работят с лицата и имат отговорности по ресоциалиазацията им: Затвора - Пазарджик, Дирекция “Социално подпомагане”, РУП в Пазарджик и Септември, Наблюдателната комисия към Общински съвет - Пазарджик и Районна прокуратура - Пазарджик.
Обучението се реализира в рамките на проект “Пилотиране на иновативна социална услуга „Център за социална рехабилитация и интеграция (ЦСРИ) на лица, освободени от местата за лишаване от свобода”, с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма “Развитие на човешките ресурси”, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейския социален фонд. Водеща организация по проекта е Фонд - ИГА. Основната му цел е създаването на възможности за подобряване качеството на живот на лицата, освободени от местата за лишаване от свобода, посредством развитието на комплексна социална услуга в общността за тази целева група.
За целите на развитието на партньорската мрежа на ЦСРИ и укрепването на услугата, представителите на институциите се включиха в два от четирите обучителни семинара. Основните теми, разисквани на заключителното обучение бяха: Конфликти в работните екипи - същност и причини, ролята на целевата група при създаване на конфликти между екипните; Разграничаване на позициите и интересите при конфликтни ситуации; стилове за справяне в конфликтни ситуации - ефективни модели на поведение и общуване; Междуинституционални конфликти и ефективни начини на взаимодействие в сферата на социалните услуги за правонарушители; Болестна зависимост от ПАВ; Суицидът като мотив и поведение; Справяне със съпротиви и др.

 Third stage of training the team of CSRI

The team of the CSRI for persons released from the places of imprisonment, has passed the third planned within the project phase for professional training. From 30 May to 3 June in a base near Troyan, the team members participated in a series of lectures, concerning the nature of the dynamic interview, the phases and transitions in which it passes trough, as well as the interview’s control by the professional. Along with discussions of the beneficiaries’ verbal and nonverbal behaviour, dialogue and presentation skills, work with resistance, the participants were familiarized with the types of penalties which they have endured. In particular was emphasized on the sentence "probation", its measures and implementation, as lesser-known in Bulgaria.
For ease of implementation and consolidation of knowledge, almost all of the lectures were accompanied by specific exercises and practical sessions in which, the participants worked in small groups.



 CSRI team and representatives of institutions in a joint training


From 27th to April 29th, hotel "Elbrus,” Velingrad, held the three-day training seminar. The Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration (CSRI) to persons exempt from the places of imprisonment, together with representatives of institutions, were trained under the project "Piloting an innovative social service center for social rehabilitation and integration of persons released from places of imprisonment." The aim of the training was to exchange information between CSRI and partner institutions and to discuss possible improvements of the mechanisms for information sharing, targeting cases and specific issues arising in the provision, development and enrichment of the service.
The seminar was attended by representatives of the Prisons in Pazardzhik and Bobov Dol, the district police stations in Pazardjik and Septemvri, the Directorate of “Social Assistance” and the Department of “Labor Bureau” - Pazardjik, the Prosecutors in Pazardjik and> The project of Fund - IGA is funded under the Operational Programme "Human Resources", funded by the European Union through the European Social Fund. The project started early this year and the provision of social services - from the beginning of April.



 First team training of CSRI


The team of the “Centre for Social Rehabilitation and Integration of Persons Exempt from the Places of Imprisonment” passed its first training. The project providing a total of four courses, two of which are for the team and others two will be held jointly with representatives of institutions that will partner with team CSRI in the provision of social services.
The training was a 5-day, exported and focuses on basic knowledge, techniques and skills needed for successful evaluation, planning and conducting cases in the social service. Three qualified lecturers supported by the facilitator, covered a wide range of topics: Bio-psychosocial model for understanding and evaluating human behavior, Approaches and models in carrying out psychological assessment of personality; Assessment of motivational field and values of the individual; Description and documentation of individual psychological profile; Types offenses and criminal liability; Systematic approach to work with offenders and their families; Work with prisoners and persons served sentence of imprisonment; Social work with individuals served sentence of imprisonment - case management, documentation, etc. The lectures were accompanied by practical exercises and role plays, which placed the team in a particular situation and thus have made a direct connection between theory and practice.
Activities are implemented under the project "Piloting an innovative social service Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration of Persons Exempt from the Places of Imprisonment,” with the financial support of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”, funded by the European Union through the “European Social Fund”.

 А social service for persons exempt from the places of imprisonment вас launched


From today “Crime Prevention Fund – IGA” began providing the social service “Centre for Social Rehabilitation and Integration of Persons Exempt from the Places of Detention.” The activity is implemented under the project "Piloting an Innovative Social Service Centre for Social Rehabilitation and Integration of Persons Exempt from the Places of Imprisonment,” with the financial support of the Operational Programme “Human Resources,” funded by the European Union through the “European Social Fund.” The project started early this year and will last 12 months. The team which will provide the service is already formed. In March, after an interview, were selected governor, social pedagogue, two psychologists and four social workers. In the team will work and a lawyer. A special office has been repaired and equipped for delivering the service.
By the end of the year, the professionals will assist the reintegration of around 200 persons exempt from the places of imprisonment in Pazardzhik region. This is an innovative non-resident social service of the generally regulated within the social legislation “Centre for Social Rehabilitation and Integration.” One of the project objectives is the creation of opportunities for improving quality of life of persons exempt from the places of imprisonment, through targeted development and piloting of integrated social services for this target group.