Guidance for training of workers at places of imprisonment
The present Guidance was developed under project “Specialized programmes for imprisoned people with low intellectual capacity and people with mental disorders”. It is also the result of examination of the training needs of workers at the prisons in the country.
The main goal of the proposed training programme is to provide systematic, complex, and efficient approach to the training of the workers.
The Guidance presents the detailed programme in its three main parts:
Part 1: Training of workers at places of imprisonment for future trainers;
Part 2: Training of workers at places of imprisonment for work under the specialized programme for resocialization of imprisoned people with low intellectual capacity;
Part 3: Training of workers at places of imprisonment for work under the specialized programme for resocialization of imprisoned people with mental disorders.
Trainings for increasing the professional competences and the continued qualification of the probation workers. Guidance for the participants in the trainings
Two programmes for training of probation workers were developed within project “European standards in probation training”: Programme for increasing the professional competences of the probation workers and Programme for continued training of the probation workers. With a view to the efficiency of the trainings, programme for training of trainers, workers with experience at probation units, was developed.
The present Guidance is designed for the probation workers who will go through the training for increasing the professional competences or the continued training. It includes information and training materials necessary for the conduction of the trainings. They are organized in appendixes for every topic.
Independent monitoring of the legal and institutional development of probation in Bulgaria
I. Introduction
II. Cabinet survey
III. Inquiries among the institutions
IV. Survey among individuals sentenced to probation. Analysis, problems, and recommendations.
V. Appendixes
Project “New workplace” – information brochure presenting the project

Guidance for application of innovative models of social enterprises
1. Examining the German experience in applying innovative models of social enterprises
2. European framework of social entrepreneurship
3. Policy of the country in the field of social entrepreneurship
4. Strategy of the survey
5. Results from the visit in Germany
6. Three models of social enterprise
7. Adapting the theory models of social enterprises
8. Business plan models
Sharing and transferring good practices from the European Union
Issue in English within project “Sharing experience of the local police in Europe”, funded by the European Commission, Directorate General “Home affairs”. Leading organization under the project is Crime Prevention Fund – IGA, and partners are: Criminal law policies research institute; Royal College – London; Association “Giancarlo Siani” (Italy); the Valencian local police – Valencia (Spain), and the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior (associated partner). The issue presents a summary of the best practices. Detailed resume of the research report is also included. The selected best practices are in three main categories: initiatives aimed at authorizing the communities and stabilizing the social capital; initiatives of the police activity community aimed at the young people; initiatives for police activity using reconstruction justice. The issue includes reports and analysis of the three pilot projects for transferring good practices conducted in Bulgaria, Spain, and Italy.
EXIT: Pilot system for aftercare for youngsters in conflict with law
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Presenting the partner organizations 3. Comparative analysis of the existing policies and practices for social inclusion of offenders in Bulgaria and Germany 4. Examining and assessing finalized and current projects in the field of social inclusion of offenders which are conducted by the partner organizations in the two countries 5. Transferring and adapting the model HSI (“Haftvermeidung durch soziale Integration”) in Bulgaria A) Report on the model functioning in Bulgaria B) Programme for adoption of the model at regional and national level 6. Organizational and methodological structure of the Bulgarian-German platform for innovative policies and decisions in the social inclusion of offenders
Guidance for application of the model HSI (Haftvermeidung durch soziale Integration” in Bulgaria
1. Introduction 2. Presenting the partner organizations 3. Comparative analysis of the existing policies and practices for social inclusion of offenders in Bulgaria and Germany 4. Examining and assessing finalized and current projects in the field of social inclusion of offenders which are conducted by the partner organizations in the two countries 5. Transferring and adapting the model HSI (“Haftvermeidung durch soziale Integration”) in Bulgaria A) Report on the model functioning in Bulgaria B) Programme for adoption of the model at regional and national level 6. Organizational and methodological structure of the Bulgarian-German platform for innovative policies and decisions in the social inclusion of offenders
Integrated model for decreasing sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Gudelines
Component 1: Work with children victims of abuse. Implementing services – “ Registration office” and “Marital counseling centre”
Component 2: Work on sexual abuse prevention. Identifying, directing and rehabilitation of victims of sexual abuse or at risk of such by creating Regional multidisciplinary teams(RMTs) and also specialized trainings of t heir members for active skills to participate in this process.
Component 3: Study and analysis of sex offences against minors and juveniles with emphasis on the risk of their repetition and setting guidelines for corrective and preventive measures. Preparation of a Screening and Correctional program for sexual abuse prevention.
Component 4: Disclosure and advocacy. Children participation.
Yndependent assessment report.
Strategy for crime prevention of the Municipality of Plovdiv

The strategy for crime prevention of the Municipality of Plovdiv is a new beginning of the practice of the Bulgarian municipalities in the fight against crime. Its aim is to formulate innovatory approaches and initiatives leading to particular, measurable results and its ultimate goal is to reduce crime at the territory of the city and the municipality. The strategy is developed by experts from Fund – IGA and it is implemented due to the financial support of the European commission, PG Home.
Guidance for applying the model ENTER-2

The edition is implemented within the framework of project ENTER – 2. Model for social inclusion of individuals released from the places of imprisonment”. It includes: 1. An argumentation of the model. 2. The contents of the model – basic modules. 3. Examples from the Netherlands. 4. Developed elements within the framework of the model.
A report from the introduction and the piloting of the model MENTOR

The edition is part of the implementation of the project “MENTOR. Gypsies, mediators between the probation department and the gypsy offenders. Transfer of a successful practice.”
Mentor. A guidance to apply the model

The edition presents the implementation of the project “MENTOR. Gypsies, mediators between the probation department and the gypsy offenders. Transfer of a successful practice.” The project uses know-how of the Danish department of prisons and probation and its mentor project (which won the International award for justice in the community 2004, in the category of “social integration”). The mentorship is implemented successfully in the Czech Republic by SPJ in 2004-2005 and now it is an officially accredited Probation programme for the Czech probation and mediating department. 60 gypsies sentenced to probation took part in the model MENTOR within the framework of the project and the total number of sentenced individuals who have participated in different activities reached 100 people.
New methods in dealing with children low breakers

Dimitar Rusinov, Marina Manolcheva, Andrei Momchilov The publication is part of the project “Pilot Model for alternative services in support of restructuring and reforming the institutions for children”. The study brings together strategies and guidelines aimed at providing quality services for children and young people passing through the juvenile justice system from the relevant governmental and non governmental institutions and suppliers of social and educational services . Existing practices and documentation relevant to the Bulgarian conditions are brought out. Focus is placed on the administrative procedures, coordination and inter-institutional cooperation and communication within the juvenile justice system.Ideas and strategies are proposed to improve the application of different programs for reintegration, focused on programs directed to the education and training of children and young people in conflict with low. 2008 г.
I serve and correct. The role of local and public intermediary in Bulgaria

The issue is realized within the project “To serve and improve”: Facilitating the selection of local public mediators in Bulgaria”, financed by the democratic Fund in UN. Its purpose is to summarize and disseminate the experience of a serious and responsibly completed project among all bulgarian municipalities – no matter they act through a local mediator or without an established institution. The institution is briefly presented in the publication: european ombudsman, national ombudsman and local public mediators (at the beginning of 2009). Two studies for the institution local public mediator have been presented as part of the project . With a detailed information and an extensive photo material we would like to make you committed to a cause – the existence and strengthening of the institution local public mediator in Bulgaria.
Assessment and case management

The increase of violence and antisocial behavior among children and young people has become very disturbing in the recent years.The acts of antisocial behavior affect not only the social system but also the children themselves. Guided by this problem, Fund - IGA, in partnership with the Association Lorraine Adultes Jeunes Inter-formation - APRELOR - France; Komvux Vänersborg - Sweden; Alytaus darbo rinkos mokymo ir konsultavimo tarnyba – Lithuania and PSW Employment Consultancy – Netherlands have implemented a pilot project financed by the program Leonardo da Vinci, within which was implemented this publication Assessment and case management is a program for professional education and training that is targeted to the needs of tools for rapid and effective diagnosis for specific clients, offenders or asocial events; to the necessity of skilled professionals to apply multidisciplinary approaches and to mobilize all available resources in society; to the need of skills to use integrated methods of working with young offenders including the most necessary elements of intervention: motivation, enhancing social and communication skills, education, vocational guidance, job search.
Thursday of Marginalia. Photoalbum

Based on the idea of Georgi Georgiev. With the participation of Arslan Ahmedov and Veneta Zaharieva. Does society know life “behind bars”? Must society know it? What society thinks about prisoners? The aim of the project “Thursday of Marginalia” is to present all these questions in an unconventional way through the media of art. To look at prison from a different perspective – the one of a photographer. To capture daily moments, unknown and so different! To present provoking thoughts, material for discussion aiming to increase the information and the sensitivity towards prisoners and to provoke the community involvement with view to their inevitable returning in the society. (2009)
“Going out”. Guidelines

In the edition is presented the achieved in project “ENTER. Improving the position of ex-offenders on the labor market”. The model “ENTER” includes: methods for delivering of social services and concrete programs, risk assessment instruments, programs for training of people, work with offenders and also for the offenders, methods for establishing interagency models and others. The result can be used by the local authorities for the implementation of their strategies for crime prevention, by officials from different institutions, by the social system in the country, for implementing new specialized services in the country, which aim the improving of the social inclusion. (2009)
Project cycle management guidelines

Supporting effective implementation of EC external assistance The Guideline is prepared for the European commission by the personnel of the Bureau for external aid methods with the support and the contribution of the staff of the European Aid Cooperation Office (Europe AID). It is published in the frames of project “Public-private partnership in the process of social inclusion of vulnerable groups” funded by PHARE Program of the European commission. Publication of Training and service center. Translated by the publisher. 2008 Pazardjik
“Structural Risk Assessment Instrument (SRAI) in the Local Commissions for prevention of juvenile delinquency (LCPJD)”

Adaptation of the British instrument for risk assessment at the juveniles ASSET in accordance with the Bulgarian conditions. The Instrument is developed in the Oxford University for the needs of the local teams for prevention and countering of the juvenile delinquency in England and Wales. It is forms with questions and guidance for their filling. ASSET is developed for underage people who are already made an offence. The aim of the instrument is to show the different factors which determinate the illegal behavior of the youngster if the accent is aimed at measuring of the degree in which certain factor can be a reason for second offence committed by the juvenile. The preparation and the implementation of this edition became fact thanks to the support of Bob Ashford for the Youth Justice Board of England and Wales, Maggy Blight and Kerry Backer from the Oxford University as well as of Bulgarian expert team leaded from Associate Professor Vladimir Velinov and the secretary of CCPJD Konstantin Tomanov. In the adaptation process a number of problems were overcome, they occurred mostly because of the differences between the Bulgarian and the British legislative system.
Independent report from implemented monitoring on the legislative and institutional establishment of the probation in Bulgaria

This report was implemented with the financial support of the MATRA KAP Program at the Royal Dutch Embassy. Content: I. Introduction. II. Monitoring on the institutional establishment of the probation in Bulgaria. The different point of views for the first two years of functioning of the probation institution in Bulgaria. III. General observations of the BHC regarding the conditions of the human rights at the probation services in the country. IV. Comment ( in regard to results from the bibliographic survey on “Probation” theme
Magistrate’s Guide for work with juveniles
ISBN 978-954-9492-10-1 Compilers: Marina Manolcheva and Dimitar Rusinov The lectures from the training seminars on project “Juveniles and justice” are presented in the current edition Content: 1. Introduction from the compilers 2. Diana Velkova. Psychological aspects of the communication with juveniles 3. Konstantin Tomanov. Some of the aspects regarding the activities on prevention and counteraction of the child antisocial behavior 4. Vladimir Velinov. Bio-psycho-social model (for understanding and evaluation of the human behavior and its significance for the prognosis) 5. Georgi Mitov. Some special features regarding the observance of the penal cases with juveniles 6. Petya Shishkova. Legal status of the juvenile delinquency according to the Bulgarian Penal Code 7. Valentina Karaganova. Basic aspects of the probation. Structure, methods and approaches of work. Probation for juveniles With this current edition Fund - IGA continues to implement its main activities: to specialize representatives from different institutions and structures regarding the crime issues and the improvement of the interagency collaboration in this area.
Specialized Risk Assessment Instrument (SRAI) for juvenile offenders sentenced to probation

The present publication is the result of the good partnership between the nongovernmental sector in Bulgaria, the Ministry of Justice and especially General Directorate “Execution of Penalties” and the British Embassy in Bulgaria. It represents an adapted Structural Risk Assessment Instrument (SRAI) for juvenile offenders (14 - 18 years old). The Instrument uses as a base the actual UK system for assessment of this category of offenders. During the process of translation and adaptation the experts, namely Associate Professor Vladimir Velinov and Konstantin Tomanov as well as the representatives of General Directorate “Execution of Penalties”, took big efforts in regard to the existing legislation in Bulgaria, the institutional structure of our system, the special features of the cultural and social environment in the country=
Methodical guidebook on Program for prevention of drug using “To protect yourself from the drugs and the violence”

The guidebook`s main aim is to facilitate the usage of the Work notebook “To protect ourselves from the drugs and the violence”. It is made for the leaders of the program. The aim of the edition is to increase the information about the basic prevention of the violence and the drug mis-use, as well as further assisting in forming of skills for group work with juveniles.
To Prevent Ourselves from Drugs and Violence

"To Prevent Ourselves from Drugs and Violence" ISBN 954-91398-1-6 CONTENTS: І. Program Rules ІІ. List of Words ІІІ. My Rights ІV. Truth about Drugs V. Let` s Discuss the Consequences VІ. Is it true that Students Drink Alcohol VІІ. To Say No to the Pressure You are Brought to Bear VІІІ. Many Ways to Say NO ІХ. Why Are Drugs Attempted By Children Х. Own Device ХІ. Manner of Behaviour ХІІ. My Level of Stress ХІІІ. How to Cope with Stress ХІV. To End an Argument ХV. Medical Glossary
Methodical guidance for module training in applying motivational programs for persons from risk groups

For the persons, who are released from the prisons, for the long-term unemployed as well as for the sentenced on probation, the motivation for searching a job is hard and long process, which requires special support. The Methodical guidance is intended for specialists, working with offenders and persons from risk groups. The aim of the publication is to support the social workers, pedagogues and psychologists in the process of their cooperation with clients. The modules are directed towards creation of skills for searching for a job, receiving information about the changes in the labor legislation, forming of psycho-social skills for self introducing before employers and change in the personal attitude according to the institutions, offering jobs.
International conference “Improving human rights in Bulgarian, Romanian and Turkish prisons through modern methods of treatment, improvement of living conditions and protection of minorities. Materials from the forum 21st – 23rd of June 2006, Sofia
In this edition are presented materials from the “International conference “Improving human rights in Bulgarian, Romanian and Turkish prisons through modern methods of treatment, improvement of living conditions and protection of minorities”. The presentations of the lecturers are 20 and they are published in the language in which they were presented – Bulgarian, English, Turkish and Romanian. The reports that were on Bulgarian, Romanian and Turkish have been also translated and they have English version. The published materials were Declaration of them three countries – participants at the governments in their countries as well as the Recommendation № Rec(2006)2 Committee of the ministers to member states regarding the European prison rules.
„Juvenile Justice in Eastern and South Eastern Europe”

Materials of the forum “Juvenile Justice in Eastern and South Eastern Europe”, Chisinau, republic of Moldova, September 14-16, 2005 y. In this edition is published the Report on the issue “Bulgarian juvenile justice system”, with author Andrey Momchilov – coordinator “International projects” in “Crime Prevention Fund – IGA”. The edition is released in English version.
Citizen’s guide to the court system

The released edition is intended for citizens who are interested in receiving information about the court system on different matters. It can’t replace the lawyer’s help and eliminate the necessity of using skilled law information. The aim of the Guide is to make the court procedures more transparent and understandable for the citizens as well as sparing their unnecessary questions and worries. It gives the necessary information about the conditions for applying requests, for the shifting of the applied from you document in the court and also other useful information. It is introduced on common language and in the same time it saved the inherent for the penal, for the civil process and the right of expression in general.
General guidelines for implementation of advocacy campaign for creation of District Anti-Corruption Network

The publication presents the experience of Fund – IGA in putting into practice the model for carrying out of advocacy campaign in the area of anti-corruption initiatives. The presented campaign was implemented in the frames of project “Anti-corruption Network in Pazardjik District” in partnership with Pazardjik Municipality, Municipality Lesichovo, Municipality Panagiurishte, Industrial Economic Association – Pazardjik and “Chovekolubie” Association – Pazardjik in the period January 2005 – May 2006 by 13 non-governmental organizations, united in Coalition “Civil Activity Against Corruption”. The content of the publication is organized in four parts. First part: Explanation of the practical application of the basic elements of an advocacy campaign: Strategic planning; Coalition building; Media campaign; Dialogue with the local authorities Second part: Achieved results Third part: Appendices - documents and materials prepared and used during the campaign.
Fourth issue of the “Probation Magazine”

The publication was implemented with the financial support of “Europe 2003 Program” of the European Commission - project “Civil Probation University – European standards in the implementation of community sanctions and measures as an alternative to imprisonment”, and is dedicated to the implementation of the project. It contains information about the Information days, the most interesting lectures within the information days, as well as some information about the international lecturers, chronology of the events, bibliography etc. The publication was printed in English version also.
European standards in the field of community sanctions and measures

“European standards in the field of community sanctions and measures” is the second publication of Regional Fund – IGA, implemented within the project “Civil Probation University – European standards in the implementation of community sanctions and measures as an alternative to imprisonment”, financed through “Europe 2003 Program” of the European Commission. It contains the UN minimum standards for the non-custodial measures (the Tokyo Rules), the Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the EU member states about the European standards for community sanctions and measures, as well as for the overcrowding of prisons and the increase of the number of prisoners.
Manual of Probation Councils Operation, 2005

"Manual of Probation Councils Operation" 2005 ISBN 954-91389-8-3 CONTENTS: І. Brief Introduction ІІ.Bulgarian Legislation regulating Probation Councils Operation ІІІ. Projects "Model of Probation Network in Pazardjik District" ІV. About Regional Fund-IGA
Program of Juvenile Offenders Probation Supervision, 2004
"Program of Juvenile Offenders Probation Supervision" 2004 ISBN 954-91398-7-5 CONTENTS: 1. Regional Fund-IGA: aims, mission, tasks 2. Preface 3. Implementation of Juvenile Offenders Probation Supervision Program 3.1. Developing Inter-agency Plan 3.2. Human Resource Training 3.3. Adopting Specialized Individual and Group Programs 3.4. Partnerships and Multiplication of Project Result APPENDIX 1 APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 3 APPENDIX 4
Report on Services Status Rendered to Juvenile Offenders, 2004
"Report on Services Status Rendered to Juvenile Offenders" 2004 ISBN 954-91398-6-7 CONTENTS: Regional Fund -IGA: founding, aims, tasks PREFACE FIRST CHAPTER -Delinquency of Juveniles between 14 and 17 years of age in figures SECOND CHAPTER - Penal Law Regimen of Juvenile Offenders with Anti-social Behavior THIRD CHAPTER - Preparation for Tools Development FOURTH CHAPTER - Tools Application Data in Pazardjik FIFTH CHAPTER - Analyses and Conclusions from Tools Application APPENDIX 1 - Carrying out Tools for Recurrent Monitoring of the Activities Regarding Juvenile Offenders in Pazardjik Municipality in 2003 APPENDIX 2 -Matrix of Selecting Respondents APPENDIX 3 - European Practices and Standards of Penal Regimen Imposition to Juveniles
Tools for Estimating the Educational Level of Offenders from 18 to 35 years of , 2004

"Tools for Estimating the Educational Level of Offenders from 18 to 35 years of " 2004 ISBN 954-91402-4-5 CONTENTS: І.Centre for Integration of Crime Manifested and Risk Groups ІІ. Project "Regional Model for Sustainable Re-integration of Offenders" ІІІ. Main Ideas and Methods of research ІV. Bibliography V. Brochure Appendixes
«Probation», booklet 3/2004

«Probation», booklet 3/2004 ISBN 954-91398-4-0 CONTENTS: І. Who, Where, What? ІІ. Regional Fund IGA-World Prize Winner! ІІІ. Projects and trainings ІV. Programs and Resources V. Researches, Analyses, Opinions VІ. Foreign Experience VІІ.Law for Amending and Supplementing the Penalty Execution Law-project VІІІ. Common Position of Non-governmental Organization, Specialized in Community Work ІХ. Our Partners Х. Probation and Media
«Probation», booklet 2/2003

«Probation», booklet 2/2003 ISBN 954-91015-7-6(42) CONTENTS: І. Who, Where, What? ІІ. Projects and Training ІІІ. Programs and Resources of the Probation Centre ІV. Researches and Analyses V. Foreign Experience VІ. Our Partners VІІ. Probation and Local Institutions VІІІ. Probation and Media ІХ. Publications
Report on Social Services Status Regarding Ex-Prisoners, 2003

"Report on Social Services Status Regarding Ex-Prisoners" 2003 ISBN 954-91402-2-9 CONTENTS: І. A Few Words about the Centre for Integration of Crime Manifested and Risk Groups ІІ. General Review of Legislation Related to Ex-prisoners and Their Access to Social Services ІІІ. General Review of Institutions and Organizations Providing Services to Persons Returned from Imprisonment or Supporting Their Access to Social Services ІV. "Horizons-Social System for Providing Social Services to Ex-Prisoners" V. Main Problems Encountered in Social Servicing of Ex-prisoners
General Manual for Applying the Social System
"General Manual for Applying the Social System "Horizons" 2003 ISBN 954-91402-3-7 CONTENTS: І. Brief Background ІІ. Reasons for Establishing "Horizons" system ІІІ. General Presentation of "Horizons" system ІV. Aims, Objectives and Main Principles of System Functioning V. Basic System Modules VІ. Guidelines for Applying Module 0 VІІ. Guidelines for Applying Module 1 VІІІ. Guidelines for Applying Module 2 ІХ. Guidelines for Applying Module 3 Х. Guidelines for Applying Module 4 ХІ. Guidelines for Applying Module 5 - Training Program of Active Social-Labour Mediators ХІІ. Conclusion
Experienced Experience and Successful Models of Probation Development, 2003

"Experienced Experience and Successful Models of Probation Development" 2003 ISBN 954-91239-7-9 CONTENTS: І. Preface ІІ. Welcome Speech ІІІ. Problems regarding Probation Introduction and Implementation ІV. First Bulgarian Probation Centre in Pazardzhik V. Probation Development- Romania, England и Wales, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Czech Republic , Estonia VІ. Concluding Speech VІІ. Generalized Results from Group Work
Concept for Probation Legislative Enforcement in Bulgaria, 2003

"Concept for Probation Legislative Enforcement in Bulgaria" 2003 CONTENTS: І. Preliminary Notes ІІ. Main Concept Directions ІІІ. Opportunities of Probation Legislative Enforcement in Bulgaria ІV. Validity of Suggestions V.Appendixes
5 years Regional Fund IGA - 2003
"5 years Regional Fund IGA - ИГА" 2003 CONTENTS: І. Presentation ІІ.Organizational Framework ІІІ. Managing Committee ІV. Operative Staff V. Public Participation of Regional Fund IGA VІ. Program Plan VІІ. Implemented Programs and Projects VІІІ. Publications ІХ. Media appearances Х. Generalized Results for the period 1999 - 2003 ХІ. Main Organization Strategic Goals for the period 2004 - 2006 ХІІ. Partnerships ХІІІ. Donors
«Probation», booklet 1/2002

«Probation», booklet 1/2002 «Probation», booklet 1/2002 ISBN 954-91015-7-6(41) CONTENTS: І. Who, Where, What? ІІ. Projects and Trainings ІІІ.Programs and Resources of Probation Centre ІV. Researches and Analyses V. Cases VІ.International Standards VІІ. Foreign Experience VІІІ. Our Partners ІХ. Opinions Х. Seminars, Conferences, Work Meetings ХІ. Publications |
"Guide-book of Prisoner"

"Guide-book of Prisoner" 2001 ISBN 954-91015-1-7 CONTENTS: І. A Few Words about the Centre for Integration of Crime Manifested and Risk Groups. ІІ. In Prison.What are the Rules and Opportunities in Prison? ІІІ. Before Release.If you Know Some Important Facts Before Release It will be Easier for You! ІV. Finally Free . Dou You Know What To do, When You Are Finally Free ? ..Our Advice V. Appendixes
"Program for Work with Prisoners and Ex-prisoners" 2001

"Program for Work with Prisoners and Ex-prisoners" 2001 ISBN 954-91015-2-5 CONTENTS: І. Preface - Current Social Situation and Crime Rate Dynamics in Bulgaria ІІ. Programs for Integration of Offenders-Main Principles and Types. ІІІ. Centre for Integration of Crime Manifested and Risk Groups and Its programs for Work with Offenders. A.Module "Learning of Illiterates "; Б.Module "Get to Know Yourself" и "I am Looking for a Job"; В. Supporting Program for Creative Potential of Prisoners; Г. Program for Work with Offenders in Community.
"Partners in Social Rehabilitation and Integration of Juvenile Offenders " 2001

"Partners in Social Rehabilitation and Integration of Juvenile Offenders " 2001
ISBN 954-91015-3-3 CONTENTS: I. About the Center for Integration of Crime Manifested and Risk Groups. II. Specialized Care Programs. Preface. III. Background. IV. Project "Partners in Social Rehabilitation and Integration of Juvenile Offenders". V. Program "Alternative" VI. Appendixes VII. Sharing Experience VIII. International Standard for Work with Juvenile Offenders. IX.Legislation in England and Wales.
"The Judicial Systems in Bulgaria and the Netherlands" 2002

"The Judicial Systems in Bulgaria and the Netherlands" 2002 ISBN 954-91015-5-6 CONTENTS: І.Preface. ІІ. About the Centre for Integration of Crime Manifested and Risk Groups. III. Judicial System in Bulgaria. ІV. Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law in Bulgaria. V. Judicial System in the Netherlands.
"Intercession Compaign for Adopting Municipal Program for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicted 2001/2002"

"Intercession Compaign for Adopting Municipal Program for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicted 2001/2002" ISBN 954-91015-4-1 CONTENTS: I. Advocacy Campaign. 1. Background. 2. Analysis and Strategic Planning. 3. Coalition Establishment 4. Organizing a Dialog with Local Authorities. 5. Media Campaign. II. Presenting Coalition "For Life without Drugs". III. Appendixes
"How does the Dutch Probation System Work?" 2002

"How does the Dutch Probation System Work?" 2002 ISBN 954-91015-6-8 CONTENTS: І. Preface ІІ. About the Centre for Integration of Crime Manifested and Risk Groups ІІІ. Premises for Imposing Public Sanctions and Measures. ІV. Project "Initiative for Establishing Probation Pilot Model in Pazardjik ". V. Operation of the Dutch Probation Service.